Just over half a year has passed since TablePress 1.4 was released. That doesn’t mean that the plugin was not actively developed during those six months, of course! With great pleasure, I’d like to announce that TablePress 1.5.1 is now available for download in the WordPress Plugin Directory and as an automatic update in your WordPress Dashboard.
After a brief period of beta testing, I’d like to say Thank you! to all testers, users and supporters of TablePress, especially those that supported the plugin with a donation or good rating in the WordPress Plugin Directory! Your support is highly appreciated! Thank you very much!
The changes in TablePress 1.5 and 1.5.1 should be very interesting to many users, and they include:
- Full compatibility with WordPress 4.0
- Feature: Support for the new Media Manager when inserting images
- Feature: Support for the integrated WP importer/exporter
- Bugfix: The “Insert Link” dialog in the “Advanced Editor” works now.
- Bugfix: The HTML export creates valid HTML files now.
- Enhancement: Tables are now stored with extra information about the format, so that other plugins are less likely to break it.
- Extended unit tests for the plugin and some external libraries.
- Updated external libraries (CodeMirror, DataTables, Build tools).
- Added Ukrainian translation.
- Updated several translations (English, German).
- Added and updated more language files for the DataTables library.
- TablePress 1.5 requires WordPress 4.0!
On top of TablePress 1.5, these changes were added in TablePress 1.5.1:
- Bugfix: Some properties in Custom CSS code were erroneously removed.
- Updated the Spanish translation.
Of those changes, the update of the DataTables JavaScript library is probably the most interesting change “under the hood”. As some of the internal functions of that library were altered, TablePress will apply some automatic adjustments and modifications during the plugin update. For example, “Custom Commands” that a user might have added to a table will be updated to a new format automatically.
Due to this, it might also be necessary to update your TablePress Extensions (if you use any). Please take a look through the list of Extensions and check if there’s maybe an update available.
If the new TablePress version is helpful for you, please rate TablePress in the WordPress Plugin Directory and consider supporting further TablePress development with a donation. Thank you!