I’m happy to announce that a new release of TablePress is now available. TablePress 1.10 can now be downloaded from the WordPress Plugin Directory and will show up as an automatic update in the WordPress Dashboard for existing users shortly.
TablePress 1.10 is a stability, maintenance, and compatibility release with these changes:
- Full compatibility with WordPress 5.3
- Enhancement: Allow importing with replacing/appending existing tables with ZIP archives of JSON files.
- Enhancement: Greatly enhance the code quality by removing old code and using modern features of PHP.
- Enhancement: Flush the caches of more caching plugins when the “Custom CSS” was modified.
- Enhancement: Update list of allowed CSS features in “Custom CSS”.
- Enhancement: Add more math formulas to the formula parser.
- Bugfix: Restore correct behavior when moving columns on the “Edit” screen.
- Bugfix: Properly hide text that is intended for screen readers only.
- Updated external libraries (DataTables, SimpleXLSX, CSSTidy, Build tools).
- Some internal changes for better stability, security, translations, and documentation.
- Removed the migration/import code for the discontinued WP-Table Reloaded plugin.
- TablePress 1.10 requires WordPress 5.3!
Updates to some TablePress Extensions will also be available shortly. Please take a look through the list of Extensions and check if there’s maybe an update available.
If TablePress is helpful for you, please rate it in the WordPress Plugin Directory and consider supporting further TablePress development with a donation. Thank you!