Row Order

Order the rows in different ways when a table is shown.

For some tables, it can be useful to show the rows in random, reversed, sorted, or manually chosen order each time.

Feature description

Here are examples:

Normal order

This is an example table:

Last NameFirst NameBirthdayCompanyPhone (Ext.)ZIP codeCountryBalancePointsRating
CainLawrence05/16/1994IBM701-310898004United States$54.8152.5

Reversed order

This is the same table but in automatically reversed order:

Last NameFirst NameBirthdayCompanyPhone (Ext.)ZIP codeCountryBalancePointsRating
CainLawrence05/16/1994IBM701-310898004United States$54.8152.5


Reversed order

To show a table in reversed order, use the Shortcode

[table id=123 row_order=reverse /]Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

and change the 123 to the desired table ID.

Random order

To show the rows of a table in random order, use the Shortcode

[table id=123 row_order=random /]Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

Sorted order

To show the table pre-sorted by a desired column, use the Shortcode

[table id=123 row_order=sort row_order_sort_column=A row_order_sort_direction=DESC /]Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

Using the parameters row_order_sort_column and row_order_sort_direction, you can define the column that shall be sorted and the sorting direction (ASC for ascending or DESC for descending order).

Manual row order

To show specific rows of a table in a desired order, you can use the Shortcode

[table id=123 row_order=manual row_order_manual_order="5,2,8-12" /]Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

The parameter row_order_manual_order can be used to define the rows that shall be shown and their order, as a comma-separated list and as ranges of rows. In addition, the values all for all table rows in their original order, and reverse for all table rows in reversed order are possible.

Usage instructions

To use this feature with your tables, choose the desired options on the table’s “Edit” screen.