Table Options

Each table has individual options that only concern that table. They can be changed on the table’s “Edit” screen. All of them may be overwritten by the corresponding configuration parameter of the “TablePress table” block in the block editor.

The following options are available:

Alternating row colors
If enabled, every odd row will get the additional CSS class odd, every even row will get the class even. (Those classes have a different background color applied to them by the default CSS. There’s an example on how to change these colors in the FAQ.)
Row Highlighting
If enabled, the background color of all cells of the row that is currently hovered with the mouse cursor is changed to highlight the row. (There’s an example on how to change the color in the FAQ.)
Table Head Row
If this is activated, all cells in the first displayed row will be encapsuled by the <th> instead of the <td> HTML tag and the row will be put inside a <thead> HTML tag. This is mandatory for using any of the JS libraries functions!
Table Foot Row
If this is activated, all cells in the last displayed row will be encapsuled by the <th> instead of the <td> HTML tag and the row will be put inside a <tfoot> HTML tag.
Table Name
If enabled, the Name of the Table will be printed above/below the table inside a <h2> HTML tag, which has the CSS class tablepress-table-name. The position can be selected from “above” or “below”.
Table Description
If activated, the Description of the Table will be printed above/below the table inside a <span> HTML tag, which has the CSS class tablepress-table-description. The position can be selected from “above” or “below”.