FAQ Category: Styling, Layout, and CSS
Read more: What CSS selectors are available?
The most important CSS selector is .tablepress as it applies to all TablePress tables on your site. If you don’t want to apply a styling setting to all tables, but … Continue reading →
Read more: How do I remove the borders from a table?
This can be done with the some CSS code that just needs to be added to the “Custom CSS” textarea on the “Plugin Options” screen of TablePress: In this code, … Continue reading →
Read more: How do I center a table on the page?
Normally, tables extend to the full width of the container element they are added to. Sometimes, for tables with few columns, it might however look better to reduce the table’s … Continue reading →
Read more: How can I set column widths?
Setting column widths for your tables is possible with a short piece CSS code that just needs to be added to the “Custom CSS” textarea on the “Plugin Options” screen … Continue reading →
Read more: How can I highlight certain cells or their content?
If you know the row and column numbers of the value in question, you could use CSS code in the “Custom CSS” textarea on the “Plugin Options” screen of TablePress … Continue reading →
Read more: How can I change the font, text size, and text color of a table?
This can be done with the some CSS code that needs to be added to the “Custom CSS” textarea on the “Plugin Options” screen of TablePress: The N needs to … Continue reading →
Read more: How can I change the colors used for marking alternating rows?
This can be done with the some CSS code that needs to be added to the “Custom CSS” textarea on the “Plugin Options” screen of TablePress: Here, the lines starting … Continue reading →
Read more: How can I change the color used for highlighting hovered rows?
This can be done with the some CSS code that needs to be added to the “Custom CSS” textarea on the “Plugin Options” screen of TablePress: Here, the lines starting … Continue reading →
Read more: How can I change the colors of the table head row?
This can be done with the some CSS code that needs to be added to the “Custom CSS” textarea on the “Plugin Options” screen of TablePress: Here, the lines starting … Continue reading →
Read more: How can I change the colors of a single row?
Changing the text and the background color of a single row, e.g. to highlight it, can be done with some CSS like this: where N (the table’s ID), and X … Continue reading →