DataTables Column Filter

This TablePress Extension has been retired. It is no longer available.

As an alternative, you can use the Individual Column Filtering module that is available in TablePress Premium plans.

The DataTables JavaScript library has a Column Filter plugin that allows to add filtering boxes to the table foot row.

To use this, download, install, and activate the Extension like a regular WordPress plugin. Then, on the page where you want to show the table, insert the extended Shortcode

[table “123” not found /]

and change the 123 to the desired table ID. Additionally, make sure that the “Table Foot” checkbox in the “Table Options” section on the table’s “Edit” screen is checked. You might have to add a new row to the table as well. The values in the cells in the last row are then used as the default text in the generated search input fields. Usually they should have the same content as the table head row cells.